Spiritual Background
In my own story of finding healing, wholeness, and birthing new versions of myself over my lifetime, God has been the key to all of it. My spiritual gifts, views, and experience flow freely within my coaching practice.
On the following page you will find my beliefs, how I apply spirituality into my coaching sessions, and how I personally use it in m own life.
There is a reason this word means many things to many different people. You can put whatever "word" or "language" to it, but in my belief, it means the same thing. As I talk about the Spirit, I will assume we are talking about a good Spirit only. For me, this Spirit is "God's" spirit and it fills the earth and all the people in it (in as much as they want it to fill them).
God's Spirit is what I attribute to my healing of my own wounded (and to be honest, "dead") spirit. Its the breath of this "Spirit" that gave me life, love, understanding and wholeness. This is the Spirit that taught me about how to love myself, what my worth is, and has shown me the path of Truth, Grace, and Faith.
I grew up in the American "Christian" tradition, but have found the interpretations of Scripture to be flawed, controlling, and at times abusive. I believe it is far from the message of Jesus and the heart of Papa God.
I have been given the gift of a "seer" and use it to speak life, encouragement and love in to people's life. That is where the term "gold" comes from on the welcome page. God's Spirit shows me his heart for people and how he sees them. This brings hope, healing, and breakthrough in many people's lives.
I am able to use this gift, along with the discernment in helping others see a root, or block, to a breakthrough.
I lean on the love, wisdom, and power of God's Spirit to help bring healing and breakthrough in people's life.
I also am passionate about the healing of Father and Mother wounds, asking Papa God and His Spirit to fill those places that need healing and filling.
I still am very close to Jesus, but I would not say he is like the Jesus that is preached in most American Churches today.
I am open to all in my coaching practice no matter your spiritual background or beliefs and will work with you and help you based on your comfort level.
There is ALWAYS hope, there is ALWAYS a new breakthrough waiting........and a new you to birth.