When the Kingdom shows itself, there are no words, but our spirit and soul are speaking and interacting with what is taking place in the spiritual realm. There is an unspoken light that is tangible, a love that is holy, and a grace that feels solid.
Confusion and head knowledge fade away as clarity and simplicity of the King and His ways come into focus. Your heart dances and you just know...........
The light is stronger than the dark, the bad is and has been conquered, nothing is considered off limit or impossible, surrender is easy and idols crumble, clenched fists open to surrender, and wholeness and belonging seem to have never left you.
My oldest daughter is coming home from a missions trip tomorrow. I watched her graduation today and the number of things that went through my heart, spirit, and mind was too much emotionally. I had to take breaks.
I journeyed with her as she shared her pain, hopes, disappointments and rawness with honesty and humanness. And she was miles and miles away.
It truly was a moment where she needed rescuing. She needed love, hope, light, mercy, and healing. She needed impossibilities. She needed all who Jesus is to help her become all that she is.
She needed Kingdom.
I watched as the days turned into weeks. The phone chats continued to add up-even with a seven hour time difference. And I listened and watched. I watched the miracles happen. The letting go and embracing hope. The connecting with Papa's heart and experiencing what it is like to be a daughter of a King.
I listened to stories of awe and gratitude of miracles-the greatest ones happening within her very being.
I watched and listened as the very same Jesus who came and loved me with the most tenderest, faithful, and beautiful love went and did the same for my daughter.
And this is how the Kingdom comes.
It comes in our tears, and ripping pain. It comes in the deaths that we cling to the lifeless idol, still hoping it will give us a drop more of that special addiction that's killing us.
It comes in the moment when the only thing we believe that death has to be more wonderful than life, that there is nothing more worth living for.
It comes when we whisper the word "help".
Then Jesus comes. He comes with his spiritual IV. Its an IV that says, its been done so all there is left is lay back and you don't even have to drink or lift a cup, my love is being put into your veins.
Disbelief that you will ever feel better is all that consumes you, but within a day or two when you feel lighter, fuller, and filled with hope you realize a miracle has taken place.
You not only want to live again, but somehow you need to encourage others, bring this light and hope to them.
And the Kingdom comes. And Jesus comes. He always will come.
I cried when I watched the slide show of the country she was in. She told me of the heavy darkness that was tangible. The hopelessness in the air. The leaders prayed about which students should go where.
I know why Natalie was sent to this particular country. Her joy, purity, kindness, love, and worshipful heart brought Kingdom and shifted the atmosphere in that Country.
I cried because no-one but God and Natalie know the sacrifice she made to bring that.
No-one but Jesus and Papa know what they went through to bring that for us.
And we bring Kingdom.
Kingdom come. Your will be done. On earth as it is in Heaven.